Lost Dutchman Minerals LLC
dba Lost Dutchman Mine LLC

FAQs - Lost Dutchman Minerals LLC

What is the energy cost per ton?

Per the Kemetco report (which is available on request from LDM), the LDM system operating at a feed rate of at least 10 tph or higher, the energy consumption is estimated to range from 05 to 3.0 kWhr/ton.

What is the optimum particle size needed for this process to work?

The best size would be 30 to 60 mesh but we can work with larger and smaller particles if necessary.

What is the optimal specific gravity difference needed between ore and waste?

We can separate between fractional SG differences, but the efficiency will be degraded as the SG's get closer, requiring a lower feed rate.

Can you separate 2.6 SG from 4 SG?

Separating 2.6 from 4.0 is not a problem.

What particle size do you start with and to what size was it reduced?

Most of our tailings were fine, in the 20 to less than 100 mesh range.

How did you reduce the size?

We first processed in a small ball mill to obtain smaller particles.

What does the mass balance look like?

It depends on the specific gravity of the material being processed.

Are able to achieve significant ore upgrading?

Yes, the degree of upgrading depends on the ore being processed.

What is recovery?

It depends on the type, quality and specific gravity of the material being processed.

Was it challenging to get the rights to access tailings piles?

No, we never had a problem getting tailings to test.

What is the principle of separation in your device?

Dynamic fluidization

What was the capacity (tph) of the pilot unit in New Mexico?

Approximately 0.75 TPH on average, using a 24" Dia. Separation duct. Information about the New Mexico test is included in the attached slide deck.

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Contact: Wayne Rod
Via: waynegrod@yahoo.com