Lost Dutchman Minerals LLC
dba Lost Dutchman Mine LLC

Wayne Rod

Lost Dutchman Minerals LLC Founder Wayne Rod

Wayne Rod started his professional life as an attorney in the Army Judge Advocate Generals Corp. After five years he returned to Tucson Arizona where he practiced law for several years and served as General Counsel for two companies.

In 1996 he was one of the founders of Net MoneyIn, Inc., a technology company that developed patents for processing payments over the Internet. Mr. Rod was a co-founder of BabelSecure LLC., a company that developed a variety of data protection techniques and has several patents covering the Babel Technology.

Mr. Rod was also a co-founder of SEFE, a company that started with the idea of harnessing atmospheric energy that can be used to supply electrical needs without damage to the environment.

Mr. Rod is also a co-founder of LDM a company that has developed technology for extracting precious metals from the earth without the use of water or chemicals.

Contact Wayne via waynegrod@yahoo.com